一年前我开始使用Obsidian, 在参考了网上很多PKM的方法后,我将他们综合成一个互相兼容的工作流。
- Progressive summarization from Forte Labs
- Zettelkasten from Niklas Luhmann
- Linking Your Thinking
- August Bradley - Life Design - PPV
tot0/ObsidianPPV: PPV implementation for Obsidian
这个工作流涉及了我生活中的很多方面,我将它称之为 人生管理系统 (LMS/ Life Management System)。
- 目标管理:将项目和成果与个人愿景保持一致,对重要的高层活动保持概览。
- 日记:记录个人感受、思考和做事,创造自我认识,更了解自己。
- 知识管理:记住重要信息,产生自己的思想(批判性思维),并获得相关知识以实现人生目标。
- 定期回顾:保持以上部分运行、审查、反映和改进系统。
- 造梦者城堡(目标管理)
- 我的故事之家(日记)
- 知识之塔(知识管理)
- 回顾之塔(定期回顾)
- 实践广场(项目实施)
- 知识之河(外部世界)
我希望 LMS 为你提供从一个开箱即用的 Obsidian.md 模板库,并启发你创建自己的工作流程,进而管理目标、撰写日志和管理知识。
LMS 托管在 GitHub 上:laozhou-in-germany/Chens_LMS_Public
- Obsidian.md
- Progressive summarization from Forte Labs
- Zettelkasten from Niklas Luhmann
- Linking Your Thinking
- August Bradley - Life Design - PPV
- tot0/ObsidianPPV: PPV implementation for Obsidian
- Blue-Topaz_Obsidian-css: A blue theme for Obsidian.
插件 (已整合)
- valentine195/obsidian-admonition: Adds admonition block-styled content to Obsidian.md (github.com)
- aidenlx/alx-folder-note: Add description, summary, and more info to folders with folder notes. (github.com)
- shabegom/buttons: Buttons in Obsidian (github.com)
- liamcain/obsidian-calendar-plugin: Simple calendar widget for Obsidian. (github.com)
- tth05/obsidian-completr: Auto-completion plugin for the obsidian editor. (github.com)
- Johnson0907/obsidian-daily-notes-viewer (github.com)
- blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview: A high-performance data index and query language over Markdown files, for https://obsidian.md/. (github.com)
- dvcrn/obsidian-filename-heading-sync: Obisdian.md plugin to keep the filename and the first header of the file in sync (github.com)
- aidenlx/folder-note-core: Provide core features and API for folder notes in obsidian (github.com)
- chhoumann/MetaEdit: MetaEdit for Obsidian (github.com)
- Razumihin/obsidian-fullscreen-plugin (github.com)
- liamcain/obsidian-periodic-notes: Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes in Obsidian (github.com)
- tnichols217/obsidian-columns (github.com)
- obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks: Task management for the Obsidian knowledge base. (github.com)
- vslinko/obsidian-outliner: Work with your lists like in Workflowy or RoamResearch (github.com)
- chhoumann/quickadd: QuickAdd for Obsidian (github.com)
- tgrosinger/recent-files-obsidian: Display a list of most recently opened files (github.com)
- mdelobelle/obsidian_supercharged_links: obsidian plugin to add attributes and context menu options to internal links (github.com)
- SilentVoid13/Templater: A template plugin for obsidian (github.com)
- ryjjin/Obsidian-shortcuts-extender: Plugin for Obsidian: Use shortcuts for input special symbols and changing level of headings without language switching