【已解决】win7启动 不能进入OB了,黑屏。大神救命

启动 不能进入OB了,黑屏

环境是win7(64位),用得好好的,1.4.x的版本,点了自动升级ob;然后,更新了一个主题包 blue 。 再进去就是黑屏了。 然后,卸载,从 0.15.9 版本安装(用最新1.4.16会弹窗报定位错), 还是 黑屏,但 这次 是小的窗口了,可以拉动,不想开始的时候是全屏黑屏。 求大神救命!!


2023-12-28T09:02:00Z 经过论坛高人的指点,神奇解决了,就是版本升级相关的问题,谢谢各位,谢谢论坛。

从本地文件夹把bt主题删掉zai shi shi

我跟你的问题一模一样 请问解决了么

1 个赞

多谢 建议, 我已经把 库 的 .obsidian 主题 全部删掉 也没有用,是不是得 在ob的安装目录里 改什么东西才行

难友 :rofl: 还没有,正在探索。。。。

1 个赞


1 个赞

我也是昨天,你试过 在别的机器上,win7全新重装ob吗 ;我不知道我的卸载是否干净,准备再试试。 我把我的 库 倒到 ipdad上,都可以显示,就是win7系统不行

时间都差不多 应该就是更新的问题,但又退不回之前的版本 :rofl:

1 个赞

我从官网 下的 版本包0.15.9,你用什么版本退的

Obsidian打开空白,无法打开 你看看 他的帖子 ,好像他成功了

我也不知道我这是什么版本了,版本信息是空白 :rofl:


2023-12-25 02:23:44 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.4.16.asar
2023-12-25 02:23:45 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-25 02:23:45 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-25 02:23:45 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-25 02:23:46 Success.
2023-12-25 02:23:46 Latest version is 1.4.16
2023-12-25 02:23:46 App is up to date.
2023-12-25 02:59:32 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.4.16.asar
2023-12-25 02:59:32 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-25 02:59:32 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-25 02:59:32 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-25 02:59:32 Success.
2023-12-25 02:59:32 Latest version is 1.4.16
2023-12-25 02:59:32 App is up to date.
2023-12-25 17:57:14 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.4.16.asar
2023-12-25 17:57:15 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-25 17:57:15 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-25 17:57:15 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-25 17:57:16 Success.
2023-12-25 17:57:16 Latest version is 1.4.16
2023-12-25 17:57:16 App is up to date.

2023-12-26 03:39:11 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.4.16.asar
2023-12-26 03:39:12 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-26 03:39:12 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-26 03:39:12 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-26 03:39:13 Success.
2023-12-26 03:39:13 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-26 03:39:13 Downloading update from https://releases.obsidian.md/download?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fobsidianmd%2Fobsidian-releases%2Freleases%2Fdownload%2Fv1.5.3%2Fobsidian-1.5.3.asar.gz
2023-12-26 03:43:47 Failed to perform update
2023-12-26 03:46:08 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-26 03:46:08 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-26 03:46:08 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-26 03:46:08 Success.
2023-12-26 03:46:08 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-26 03:46:08 Downloading update from https://releases.obsidian.md/download?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fobsidianmd%2Fobsidian-releases%2Freleases%2Fdownload%2Fv1.5.3%2Fobsidian-1.5.3.asar.gz
2023-12-26 03:46:49 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.4.16.asar
2023-12-26 03:46:50 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-26 03:46:50 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-26 03:46:50 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-26 03:46:50 Success.
2023-12-26 03:46:50 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-26 03:46:50 Downloading update from https://releases.obsidian.md/download?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fobsidianmd%2Fobsidian-releases%2Freleases%2Fdownload%2Fv1.5.3%2Fobsidian-1.5.3.asar.gz
2023-12-26 03:48:40 Verifying hash & signature. Size= 8515395
2023-12-26 03:48:40 Saving file
2023-12-26 03:48:40 Update complete.
2023-12-26 04:11:04 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-26 04:11:04 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-26 04:11:04 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-26 04:11:04 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-26 04:11:04 Success.
2023-12-26 04:11:04 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-26 04:11:04 App is up to date.
2023-12-26 04:13:01 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-26 04:13:01 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-26 04:13:01 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-26 04:13:01 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-26 04:13:01 Success.
2023-12-26 04:13:01 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-26 04:13:01 App is up to date.
2023-12-26 04:23:37 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-26 04:23:38 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-26 04:23:38 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-26 04:23:38 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-26 04:23:38 Success.
2023-12-26 04:23:38 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-26 04:23:38 App is up to date.
2023-12-26 05:09:12 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-26 05:09:12 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-26 05:09:12 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-26 05:09:12 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-26 05:10:13 Failed to check for update using obsidian.md (Unexpected token e in JSON at position 0)
2023-12-26 05:14:31 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-26 05:14:32 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-26 05:14:32 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-26 05:14:32 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-26 05:14:33 Success.
2023-12-26 05:14:33 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-26 05:14:33 App is up to date.
2023-12-26 05:45:46 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-26 05:45:46 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-26 05:45:47 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-26 05:45:47 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-26 05:45:47 Success.
2023-12-26 05:45:47 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-26 05:45:47 App is up to date.

27号 还是 黑屏,每次的启动日志如下:
2023-12-27 02:46:52 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-27 02:46:53 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-27 02:46:53 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-27 02:46:53 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-27 02:46:54 Success.
2023-12-27 02:46:54 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-27 02:46:54 App is up to date.
2023-12-27 06:29:53 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-27 06:29:53 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-27 06:29:53 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-27 06:29:53 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-27 06:29:54 Success.
2023-12-27 06:29:54 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-27 06:29:54 App is up to date.
2023-12-27 06:30:34 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-27 06:30:34 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-27 06:30:34 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-27 06:30:34 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-27 06:30:34 Success.
2023-12-27 06:30:34 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-27 06:30:34 App is up to date.
2023-12-27 07:29:04 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-27 07:29:04 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-27 07:29:04 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-27 07:29:04 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-27 07:29:04 Success.
2023-12-27 07:29:04 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-27 07:29:04 App is up to date.
2023-12-27 08:09:03 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-27 08:09:04 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-27 08:09:04 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-27 08:09:04 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-27 08:09:05 Success.
2023-12-27 08:09:05 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-27 08:09:05 App is up to date.
2023-12-27 15:57:41 Loading updated app package C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\obsidian\obsidian-1.5.3.asar
2023-12-27 15:57:43 Checking for update using Github
2023-12-27 15:57:43 Failed to check for update using Github (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)
2023-12-27 15:57:43 Checking for update using obsidian.md
2023-12-27 15:57:44 Success.
2023-12-27 15:57:44 Latest version is 1.5.3
2023-12-27 15:57:44 App is up to date.

从上面的日志看,应该 就是 从1.4.16 升级 到 1.5.3 版本,导致的问题,与 主题包没有关系,但是,还是不知道 怎么 处理,才能恢复 :sweat:

应该是 1.5.3版本,在window7(64位)下,有bug,这个不是我们能处理的问题 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

没成功,哈哈哈 ,这可咋整 :rofl:

刚看到这个,你试试,能不能回到 好的版本。 如何回滚Obsidian的版本 - #2,来自 PlayerMiller

好的,感谢,今天有点忙 ,晚些我试试