t11 = text(“Compile!”);
t11 = text(“编译!”);
t = text(“Scenes”);
t = text(“场景”);
t = text(“Drafts”);
t = text(“草稿”);
t = text(“Compile”);
t = text(“编译”);
item.setTitle(“Open in new pane”);
title.setText(“Add to Longform”);
title.setText(“添加到 Longform”);
.setButtonText(“Add to Longform”)
.setButtonText(“添加到 Longform”)
name: “Draft 1”,
name: “草稿 1”,
folder: “Draft 1”,
folder: “草稿 1”,
text: “If you find Longform to be misbehaving (logging errors in console, not syncing changes to index files) you can try resetting tracked projects. This will cause Longform to “forget” that various project folders in your vault should be watched and managed by Longform. You can then re-mark those folders as Longform projects by right-clicking them in the file explorer. You will not lose any notes.”,
text: “如果发现 longform 行为不正常(在控制台中记录错误,不能同步对索引文件的更改) ,可以尝试重置跟踪项目。这将导致 Longform“停止”对库中项目文件夹的监视和管理。然后,您可以通过在文件浏览器中右键单击这些文件夹,将它们重新标记为长格式项目。你不会丢失任何数据。”,
text: “Untrack All Projects”,
text: “取消跟踪所有项目”,
title: “Click to have Longform untrack all projects.”,
title: “单击以使Longform取消跟踪所有项目。”,
name: “Open Longform Pane”,
name: “打开 Longform 面板”,
.setTitle(Mark as Longform Project
.setTitle(标记为 Longform 项目
.setTitle(Unmark as Longform Project
.setTitle(取消标记为 Longform 项目
const indexFileField = this.addField(contentEl, “Index File Name”, “Index”, “Index”, “A project’s index file acts as storage for all the metadata necessary to make a Longform project work. You can edit it (it’s Markdown), but Longform will mostly be reading and writing it directly.”);
const indexFileField = this.addField(contentEl, “索引文件名称”, “Index”, “Index”, “项目的索引文件用于存储 Longform项目工作所需的所有元数据。您可以编辑索引文档(它是Markdown文档),但它主要供于读取数据。”);
const draftsFolderField = this.addField(contentEl, “Drafts Folder Name”, “Drafts/”, “Drafts/”, “Every folder inside your drafts folder is a single draft of your project. You can name drafts whatever you’d like: Drafts/1/, Drafts/First Draft/, etc. Each draft folder will hold the individual files (scenes) that make up your project. Scenes are ordered manually. Other folders and files in the project are always reachable in the Obsidian file explorer.”);
const draftsFolderField = this.addField(contentEl, “草稿文件夹名称”, “Drafts/”, “Drafts/”, “草稿文件夹里的每个文件夹,都是Longform项目的一个草稿。你可以给草稿命名: 草稿/1/,草稿/初稿/等等,每个草稿文件夹将保存组成项目的单个文件(场景)。场景支持手动排序。项目中的其他文件夹和文件总是可以在Obsidian文件列表中访问。”);
This file is managed by Longform. Please avoid editing it directly; doing so will almost certainly confuse the plugin, and may cause a loss of data.
Longform uses this file to organize your folders and notes into a project. For more details, please see The Index File section of the plugin’s README.
Longform 使用此文件将文件夹和笔记组织到项目中。有关详细信息,请参阅 The Index File 插件的自述文件。
new obsidian.Notice(${path} is now a Longform project.
new obsidian.Notice(${path} 已标记为 Longform 项目。
new obsidian.Notice(${file.path} is no longer a Longform project.
new obsidian.Notice(${file.path} 不再是 Longform 项目。
attr(input, “placeholder”, “New Scene…”);
attr(input, “placeholder”, “新建场景…”);
attr(input, “placeholder”, “New Draft…”);
attr(input, “placeholder”, “新建草稿…”);
label0.textContent = “Write compiled result to:”;
label0.textContent = “将编译结果写入:”;
p0.textContent = “The parent folders of this path must already exist in your vault.”;
p0.textContent = “此路径的父文件夹必须已存在于Obsidian的库中。”;
label1.textContent = “Add note titles as chapter headings”;
label1.textContent = “添加笔记标题作为章节标题”;
p1.textContent = “When selected, this option inserts a # tag with each note’s title above\n that note’s contents in the compilation result.”;
p1.textContent = “选中此选项后,将在编译结果中笔记内容的上方插入一个「# 标题」。”;
‘Longform written and maintained by Kevin Barrett.’;
‘Longform 由 Kevin Barrett 编写和维护。’;
‘Read the source code and report issues at https://github.com/kevboh/longform.’;
‘阅读源代码并报告以下问题: https://github.com/kevboh/longform。’;
‘Icon made by Zlatko Najdenovski from www.flaticon.com.’;
‘Icon 来自 Zlatko Najdenovski 的 www.flaticon.com.’;
text: “If you find Longform to be misbehaving (logging errors in console, not syncing changes to index files) you can try resetting tracked projects. This will cause Longform to “forget” that various project folders in your vault should be watched and managed by Longform. You can then re-mark those folders as Longform projects by right-clicking them in the file explorer. You will not lose any notes.”,
text: “如果发现 longform 行为不正常(在控制台中记录错误,无法同步对索引文件的更改) ,可以尝试重置跟踪项目。这将导致 Longform 停止监视和管理库中的各种项目文件夹。您可以通过在文件列表中右击这些文件夹,将它们重新标记为 Longform 项目。在此过程,你不会丢失任何文本数据。”,
text: “Untrack All Projects”,
text: “取消跟踪所有项目”,
title: “Click to have Longform untrack all projects.”,
title: “单击以使Longform取消跟踪所有项目。”,
p.innerHTML = Compilation is a <a href="https://github.com/kevboh/longform/labels/compile">work in progress</a>. While I plan to add support for many custom workflows, for now you can use the Compile feature to stitch all the scenes in a draft together into one big note.
p.innerHTML = 编译是一个 <a href="https://github.com/kevboh/longform/labels/compile">进行中的工作</a>。目前您可以使用编译功能将草稿中的所有场景结合成一个长文档,后续计划为更多自定义工作流添加支持。